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Facts about Intercourse during
Many men and women feel anxious about having sex during
periods because we have been culturally conditioned to
believe that menstruation is something dirty. There are also
many misconceptions about the medical aspects of sex during
periods. Medically, it is normal to have sex during periods. The
safe sex practices required to avoid pregnancy and STDs
when a woman is not menstruating should also be used during
1.Can sex during periods result in
Chances of pregnancy during periods are minimal. However, if
you strictly want to avoid pregnancy it is advisable to use an
adequate birthcontrol method each time you have intercourse,
including during periods. Though the chances of pregnancy
during periods are very low, they are not entirely absent
because the sperm can survive in the body for a few days and
there is a small chance that an early ovulation will cause
2.Will contact with menstrual blood
cause sexually-transmitted diseases
Menstrual blood is nothing but normal human blood mixed
with tissues lining the uterus. Contact with menstrual blood is
not harmful in any way. If your partner has a STD, you have a
high chance of contracting it and you should be using a
condom during intercourse, both during periods and otherwise.
3.Does sex during periods cause HIV
Sex during periods cannot cause HIV infection unless one of
the partners is HIV infected. Unprotected intercourse with an
HIV infected partner can cause HIV infection, regardless of
periods. The only connection between HIV and sex during
periods is that the chances of HIV transmission from an HIV
infected person to his/ her partner are higher if they have sex
during periods. If you have the slightest concern about HIV
infection, the thumb rule is to use a condom regardless of
4.Will contact with menstrual blood harm
the penis?
No, menstrual blood will not harm the penis in any way. The
worries and concerns about menstrual blood stem from the
fact that we have been socially conditioned to see it as a dirty
fluid. Scientifically, menstrual fluid is a mix of blood and
tissues that line the uterus every month to prepare it for
pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the tissue is shed
because it is no longer required.
5.Can sex during periods injure the
No, sex during periods cannot injure the uterus. There is a
common perception that the mouth of the uterus opens up
during periods and the penis can poke into it and hurt the
uterus. This is not correct. Menstrual flood oozes out of a very
small opening in the mouth of the uterus. The penis can never
poke in through this opening.
6.Is sex during periods a perversion?
You would be happy to know that a large number of couples
have sex during periods. From the medical standpoint, sex
during periods is absolutely normal. So if you too indulge in it, Dress Affordable short homecoming wears in white
there is absolutely no need to feel guilty or anxious.
7.Will sex during periods stop bleeding?
Some women do notice that their periods stop within a day or
so of sexual intercourse. This does not mean that the
menstrual blood has been pushed back into the uterus and is
unable to flow out. It happens primarily because sexual
intercourse causes uterine contractions that expel the
menstrual fluids and tissue faster, thus causing the bleeding to
stop sooner than usual.
8.Will sex during periods relieve
menstrual cramps?
Yes, some women do experience a decrease in menstrual
cramps if they have sexual intercourse. This can happen
because of multiple factors. On one hand, orgasm causes the
release of some chemicals in the body that have pain allaying
properties. Some scientists also believe that this happens
because excess cramp causing chemicals called
prostaglandins get used up.
9.Is it ok to have oral sex during periods?
Yes, from the health perspective it is ok to have oral sex
during periods. It is advisable to use a dental dam if you have
oral sex with a menstruating female partner.
10.Should I remove my tampon before
having sex during periods?
Yes, always remember to remove your tampon before having
sex during periods. If you do not do this there is a chance that
the tampon will get pushed up in your vagina and if it is left
there for a prolonged period, it can cause infection.