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just about every hospital protocol for birthing mothers is wrong, cruel and dangerous, from the minute they enter the door almost every single thing done to them is intrusive, unnecessary and harmful. Supine birthing, synthetic hormones, induction, intrusive vaginal inspections, ultrasound, drugs, lights, premature umbilical cutting, removing the baby from the mother AT ALL, ridiculous "timetable" that forces C-sections and the aggressive arrogant attitudes of the "professionals" who force their ideas and their fears on vulnerable birthing women. Their treatment of the baby isn't any different, every "normal" procedure done to newborns is also harmful, dangerous and cruel, the premature umbilical cutting, burning cream in the eyes, forced prepuce amputation, washing the vernix off, removing the baby from the mother AT ALL, hats, vaccines, jees the list is endless, it's a wonder anyone makes it out alive Dress Affordable ultra size wedding wear for full-figured brides >:( though of course some don't :'(